Global Search with the Accelerate Solution: IFA

In corporation with our partner IntraFind Software AG, ICP Solution created an answer for full-text-searches with the iFinder as foundation in the Agile PLM environment.

iFinder is a premium quality search solution, which indicates and enables users to search several unstructured and structured data sources in your business. Through file system- indexing, connectors to data bases, e-mail systems and crawlers all existing data sources get linked together.

Agile PLM surface indicates all technical documents, therefore it is very simple for the operator to search for them. The search works within PLM for file contents as well as meta data, but also for documents outside of PLM, for example in shares. Access information from PLM are always considered to enable a personalized search experience. There is a direct recess to the particular document in PLM from the search result list. Due to numerous more IntraFind connectors for several data sources you can build up a full-text search for all documents of your business.